As I have already stated the piece square tables are used chess board Evaluation class to score points based on the current position of the chess piece. The main idea behind this code is that certain positions for chess pieces are better than others.
This post will bring all of the previous sections together in the discussion of the chess engine class. At this time I will assume that you have already read the previous sections related to Chess Board Square, Chess Board and Chess Piece Representation as well as the Chess Piece Moves and Chess Piece Valid Moves. Today I will not provide a complete chess engine listing because we have not yet discussed move searching and Chess Board Evaluation.
In our Chess Engine we will need to describe movement as it occurs. This will be useful to keep track…
Originally the code in this post was part of the Chess Piece Motion class. However since I posted the original…
This post at one point discussed the Chess Piece Motion Class. I have since then divided the code from this…